电缆桥架的特点还包含这几点电缆桥架的材质是电缆桥架工程设计常见的另外一个问题。按照材料划分,电缆桥架主要有钢制、玻璃钢和铝合金几种。 The material of the cable tray is another common problem in the design of the cable tray. According to the material division, the cable tray mainly has several kinds of steel, glass fiber reinforced plastic and aluminium alloy. 玻璃钢电缆桥架的特点是质量轻,比重仅为碳钢的1/4;耐水性和耐腐蚀性好,适合化工厂。不易燃烧,难燃型玻璃钢电缆桥架的氧指数≥32。 Glass fiber reinforced plastic cable bridge is characterized by its light weight and only 1/4 of carbon steel. It has good water resistance and corrosion resistance. It is suitable for chemical plants. Not easy to burn, flame retardant oxygen index = type glass steel cable tray 32. 使用寿命长,一般设计寿命为20年,但价格是钢制电缆桥架的3倍。施工的优越性在于切割方便、组装灵活,安装无需动火,这对于爆炸危险环境并且工程工期紧张的化工厂工程意义尤其重大,因为在爆炸危险环境,工程动火安装时化工厂必须停产,经济效益必受影响。 The service life is long, the general design life is 20 years, but the price is 3 times of the steel cable tray. The superiority of the construction is convenient cutting and flexible assembly, installation without fire, the chemical hazardous environment and engineering significance of plant engineering construction period is especially important, because in the hazardous environment, fire engineering installation of chemical plant must be discontinued, the economic benefit will be affected. 铝合金电缆桥架重量也很轻,由于铝、钢比重不同(Al=2.7,Fe=7.86),按重量计算,铝钢之比约为1:3。铝合金电缆桥架外形尺寸、荷载特性均与钢质桥架基本相近。就费用而言,铝合金桥架的造价比镀锌钢制电缆桥架要高20%,使用寿命是钢制电缆桥架的5倍以上。 Aluminum alloy cable tray weight is very light, due to the different proportion of aluminum and steel (Al=2.7, Fe=7.86), according to weight calculation, the ratio of aluminum steel is about 1:3. The size and load characteristics of aluminum alloy cable bridge are almost the same as those of steel bridge. As far as cost is concerned, the cost of aluminum alloy bridge is 20% higher than that of galvanized steel cable bridge, and the service life is more than 5 times of that of steel cable tray. 电缆桥架的表面防腐层类别主要有热浸锌、镀锌镍、冷镀锌、粉末静电喷涂等方式,生产厂家资料显示:热浸锌工艺寿命不小于40年,适用于室外重腐蚀环境,造价高。 The surface anti-corrosion cable tray layer the main categories of hot-dip zinc, nickel plating, cold galvanized, electrostatic powder spraying etc., manufacturer information: life is not less than 40 years of hot galvanizing process, suitable for outdoor heavy corrosion environment, high cost. 公司始终坚持不断进行管理创新和科研创新,将以优良的品质、完善的售后服务赢得广大客户的信赖与支持,欢迎广大新老客户来我公司实地考察,洽谈合作! The company always adhere to the continuous management innovation and scientific innovation, will win the support and trust of customers with excellent quality and perfect customer service service, welcome new and old customers to visit our company to negotiate cooperation! |