复合型电缆桥承重效果怎么样电缆桥架的保养可分为:清洁、维护,由于电缆桥架安装摆放久了,想必一定会堆积了很多灰尘在槽面上。 The maintenance of the cable tray can be divided into: cleaning and maintenance, because the cable bridge has been installed for a long time, it must have accumulated a lot of dust on the groove surface. 1、清洁电缆桥架,我们只需要使用干净的抹布轻轻擦掉桥架上面的灰尘即可,切勿使用沾过水的湿布和酸性化学物品来擦,这样只会导致桥架的防腐蚀性越来越差。 1, clean cable tray, we only need to use a clean cloth gently wipe the dirt tray can be dipped in water, do not use wet cloth to wipe and acidic chemicals, this will only lead to corrosion of the bridge is getting worse. 2、使用光蜡,当电缆桥架存放时间久了,其光泽自然会变暗不亮,把桥架不干净的东西处理干净,然后将光蜡涂抹上去晾干即可,不仅对美观有改变,还要以增强桥架本身抗氧化能力。 2, the use of light, when the cable tray storage for a long time, its natural luster will darken not bright, the bridge is not clean things clean, and then smear light wax to dry up, not only to change the appearance, but also to enhance the antioxidant capacity of the bridge itself. 3、维护,当保养时发现电缆桥架部分面积出现腐蚀的情况,我们只需要用防腐蚀涂料涂沫上去,晾干即可,增强桥架的防腐蚀寿命,因为有一层厚厚的防腐蚀涂层,可使得桥架质量更加稳固。 3, maintenance, maintenance of cable tray when found part of the area of the corrosion situation, we only need to use anti corrosion coating painted up, dry, enhance the corrosion life of bridge, because there is a thick layer of anticorrosive coating, can make the bridge more stable quality. 电缆桥架的机械强度高,它既有金属桥架的刚性又有玻璃钢桥架的韧性,耐腐蚀性能好、抗老化性能强、造型美观、安装方便、使用寿命长。 The cable bridge has high mechanical strength. It has the rigidity of the metal bridge, the toughness of the glass bridge, the good corrosion resistance, the strong anti-aging property, the beautiful appearance, convenient installation and long service life. 环氧树脂及环氧树脂复合型电缆桥架适合在强腐蚀环境、大跨距、重载荷条件下使用。 Epoxy resin and epoxy resin composite cable tray is suitable for use in strong corrosive environment, large span and heavy load. |